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« The Alien Grammar Show » – Article by the 5e2

 The Bear Theatre

After the play we saw on Friday, here is an article written by the 5e2 to tell you their opinion about it.



The show was « The alien grammar show » : the story was two agents looking for an alien to destroy it. (Elio)

I cannot remember the name of the play but I remember the story : it was about aliens and agents who had to capture the aliens. (Salomé)

The story is about an alien who comes on earth to look for their children but he is chased by two agents in black who want to kill him. But finally, one of them, the girl, helps the alien. Then they return with their children in their world. (Justine)

Two agents of the USA sought an alien who came on earth to find his two children. We discovered that one of the agents is also an alien. (Dilara)

At the end, the two aliens find their children and they go back on their planet. (Lorenzo)


What I liked in the show? The pupils helped the actors. I played in the theatre play. My role was Agent Romain . It was not a surprise for me that the woman was an alien like Nicolas and Hanaé. (Romain)

I liked that the actors took pupils from the audience and when the pupils had to answer questions. (Elio)

In the story, I liked the intergalactic agents because they were the funniest in the story. (Louis)

In the show, I liked the alien’s face and the agents’ costumes because it was the funniest. (Clarence)

I liked the alien test, when spectators came in front of the show stage, because it was fun. (Osman)




The scenario was cool : I loved it! (Salomé)

I think the show was good because it was funny (Hanaé)

I think the show was strange because they had many strange objects (a dictaphone, a helmet which destroyed aliens, a gun which slowed down people). They made them with recycled objects (a banana, an umbrella…) (Elio)

I think the show was boring because it was always the same thing : looking for aliens! (Clarence)

The show was funny and strange because they spoke strange English (Ali)

This show was funny, a little bit weird, but the actors were great. (Lorenzo)

My opinion on this show? I think it was super and I hope they come back with a different story next year. (Salomé)




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